Minecraft Skywars Servers

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description


ZedarMC Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.20
Survival Server
Cross Platform
119/1000 Online

The ZedarMC community is a very friendly one, and our staff is always available to help you. We are also a crossplay network, which means we support Bedrock Edition. ZedarMC has a variety of gamemodes ranging from peaceful to competitive, so you can always have fun and vibe! Survival...

Executed Network

Executed Network

Executed Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.21
Lifesteal Server
Cross Platform
0/69420 Offline

Join us in Executed Network, We have Kit-PvP, Lifesteal, Events and much more to come! play.executed.xyz, If you really enjoy our server, run over to our store at store.executed.xyz! I hope to see you on the server