Java Minecraft Servers

Searching for Java Minecraft servers? Look no further! Here's a complete list with all of the top-voted Java mc servers; Every server in our list is checked every few minutes, to make sure they're always online. If any server goes offline, it goes to the bottom of the list until it comes back online! Be sure to also check out some PE Minecraft Servers and The Most Popular Minecraft Servers!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Creative Anarchy

Creative Anarchy

Creative Anarchy Minecraft Server
Version 1.12 to 1.21
Anarchy Server
Minecraft Java
0/80 Online

I aim to create a vanilla anarchy creative mode Minecraft experience. End portal locations: -1286 886 and 968 -1497 (or find a stronghold) Since May 5th 2022 Available Commands: /stats (total joins ect.) /gamemode (Creative or survival) /tpa (request a teleport) /ignore...