Welcome to NextCraft!
Server IP: next-craft.ddns.net
Web Map: next-craft.ddns.net:8123
Discord: next-craft.ddns.net/discord
🆕 NEW: Creative Plots
Not a fan of Survival? Build alone or with friends on your own plot¹. Use tools like WorldEdit² to bring your creative ideas to life in Creative Mode. Connect multiple plots and let your imagination run wild³!
💎 About Us
NextCraft is a unique Minecraft server focused on open-world survival. We offer a great community, a supportive team, and plenty of opportunities to explore your sense of adventure, creativity, and love for gaming!
🎮 Server Features
No PayToWin: Support us with an optional rank – without gameplay advantages!
Item Shop: Purchase a wide range of items directly in-game (/shop).
Land Protection: Secure your property with GriefPrevention.
Convenient Commands: Use /craft, /carttable, /anvil, and more for simplified gameplay.
¹ Additional plots can be granted and linked by moderators.
² WorldEdit is available for Member+ ranks.
³ Please adhere to the server rules.
NextCraft's IP Address is next-craft.ddns.net.
No. You can only join NextCraft using Minecraft Java Edition.
You can sumbit a review when voting.
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