― ✧ The server is 16+ so please dont join if you arent at least 16
― ✦ We have 67 mods at the moment as well as a few plugins, addons, and data packs, you must be able to run this many
― ✧ Server is Java only on fabric version 1.20.1
― ✧ A fully SFW server, we do not allow any nsfw and we do allow minimal cursing/swearing
― ✦ We have pronoun roles and boundary roles as well as roles to be pinged for events and announcements and other things
― ✧ We are accepting of LGBTQIA+, POC, Systems (Traumagenic Only), Furries, and other communities
Our server is a server based on moths and nature! We have 5 different moths to choose from via the origins mod (they are custom origins and the 5 moths are the only choices.) Our mods range from biomes to furniture to food and some super cool things. The server is a partial lore/rp server tho you do not have to participate in rp/lore. We have base world lore in progress.
Eclipsed Forest's IP Address is EclipsedForest.mcpro.io.
No. You can only join Eclipsed Forest using Minecraft Java Edition.
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