We would like to welcome players to join us on a adventure.
This server is open to anyone who would like to explore the world and see what is has to offer.
Feel free to build whatever you like, Be it fancy buildings or just some awsome farms.
Although its a vanilla server. We did include some mods to make the world a bit more fun to explore.
Included Mods:
- Amplified Nether Made by Stardust Labs
Amplifies the nether and also raises the nether to the build height of 256
- Structory: Towers by Stardust Labs
Adds biome themed Towers
- Tectonic by Apollo
Chages the World generation. So there are bigger and heigher mountains aswell as bigger and deeper oceans
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village by ChoiceTheorem
Adds new biome specific villages
For anyone not wanting their builds be griefed we have installed tools for you to keep your buildings and possessions save.
For anyone interested. Simple Voice Chat is enabled on this server.
This will enable you to speak to other players that are in your proximity. (88 blocks)
All you need to do is install it on your own client.
- Be respectful - You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- No spamming
- No advertisements
- Server Raiding - Raiding or mentions of raiding are not allowed.
ServerHoppers's IP Address is ServerHoppers.wisemc.eu.
No. You can only join ServerHoppers using Minecraft Java Edition.
You can sumbit a review when voting.
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