
AtlasFT Minecraft Server

Online | 0 Vote(s), No Reviews.
Java IP
Bedrock IP
Bedrock Port
0 / 30
Brazil BR

Server Information

O objetivo deste projeto é testar a ideia de economia austríaca com ética libertaria em um ambiente fechado e levar as pessoas a se opor a qualquer agressão contra os direitos de propriedade dos indivíduos em suas próprias pessoas e em objetos materiais que eles adquiriram voluntariamente em favor dos direitos de propriedade privada e da não-agressão. AtlasFT tentará trazer uma experiência agradável de gameplay e traduzido a um português legível e compreensível, para os jogadores poderem tirar melhor proveito de tudo o que tem a oferecer.

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Server F.A.Q.

Play AtlasFT with Minecraft Java:

  • Copy the Java server IP from this page.
  • Open up Minecraft and wait for it to fully load.
  • Click on "Multiplayer", then "Add Server".
  • Paste the Server's IP in the "IP Address" field.
  • Click "Done".
  • Select AtlasFT from the list and click on "Join Server".

Play AtlasFT with Minecraft Bedrock / PE:

  • Copy the Bedrock server IP from this page.
  • Open up Minecraft Pocket Edition and press the "Play" button.
  • Go to the "Servers" tab and press the "Add Server" button.
  • Paste the Server's IP in the "Server Address" field, and 25565 in the "Port" field.
  • Click "Play" to quickly join the server.
If you're having issues connecting, check out our connection troubleshooting guide.

AtlasFT's Java Edition IP Address is
The Bedrock IP Address is and the port is 25565.

Yes, AtlasFT is a Bedrock-compatible server!
You can join it using a PS4, Xbox, Android, iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad), Windows 10 PC, or any other device supporting Minecraft Bedrock / Pocket Edition (MCPE).

Yes - As are all Minecraft servers listed on Minecraft.Buzz

You can join the AtlasFT Discord server and direct your questions there. There should be instructions on how to get support - If not, contact a staff member.

Right now, there is noone playing on AtlasFT. Up to 30 can join.

Server Reviews

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