1.21 Minecraft Servers

Check out the latest and greatest 1.21 Minecraft servers below. 1.21 is a major update to Java Edition, going out in 2024. Originally announced at Minecraft Live 2023, the update is said to focus on combat, adventures, and tinkering. It includes several new copper block variants and trial chambers. It also includes the new crafter, new tuff block variants, and more enemies that spawn in the trial chambers.

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Master SMP Network

Master SMP Network

Master SMP Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.21
Lifesteal Server
Cross Platform
0/500 Offline

This Server Made From indonesia with Indonesian Language Gamemodes: - Survival - MiniGames Versi: 1.8 - 1.20.x jangan lupa vote server ini :) dan Beli ranks di server ini untuk support server ini makin berkembang IP Supported: mastersmpnetwork.biz.id Website: -...

Gabut SMP

Gabut SMP

Gabut SMP Minecraft Server
Version 1.20 to 1.21
Survival Server
Cross Platform
0/79 Offline

Server Minecraft Java and Bedrock Didalam server ini terdapat banyak custom model yang keren Dan juga terdapat ratusan enchantment tambahan. Kamu khawatir kalau temen kamu beda platform? Tenang server Gabut SMP udah support Bedrock dan Java loh Ayo buruan join



SoulStrikes Minecraft Server
Version 1.16 to 1.21
RPG Server
Cross Platform
0/30 Offline

SoulStrikes Roleplay RPG Survival Server with custom item, custom mobs, mythical boss, Legend Weapon, and more tools for survival! Fiture: You can use sethome, tpa, crates, coinflip, and more fiture. This server based on economy survival, fight peapole and collect legend weapon!