1.7 Minecraft Servers

Originally released in 2013, 1.7 is a version still supported by quite a few servers! It introduced Minecraft players to new biomes with many new awesome additions, new types of wood and colored glass and new types of fish - Just to name a few! If 1.7 is still your thing, check out some of the best 1.7-supporting servers we got below!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
MC Sorvival Anrquico

MC Sorvival Anrquico

MC Sorvival Anrquico Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.12
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/2000 Offline

Este es un servidor anarquico con mundos en creativo y mundos en sorvivals. Se uno de los mejores tops de Minecraft java Mi server de Discord: https://discord.gg/8HYEzPVE Entra...