1.8 Minecraft Servers

Despite dating back to 2014, 1.8 is still a very popular Minecraft version! When it first came out, it introduced us to new types of stone like Diorite, it brought us Prismarine, and our favorite, Rabbits! Check out our favorite 1.8 servers below - Hope you enjoy your time on them ;)

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description


Makong Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.20
Anarchy Server
Cross Platform
34/123 Online

Makong is a welcoming and lively Minecraft server. It offers a unique and enjoyable gaming experience for players of all ages and skill levels. With beautiful landscapes and endless possibilities, Makong allows you to explore, battle, and collaborate with friends. Our active community,...



MazerClub Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.8
Lifesteal Server
Minecraft Java
0/500 Offline

Join the best Minecraft server in Cambodia! Our server, Mazer Club, offers a wide range of game modes including Economy SMP, Lifesteal, Kingdom, CrystalPvP, and SwordPvP. Our server is accessible through the Bedrock IP: MAZERCLUB.COM and port 25619. You can also check out our store at...