Minecraft Creative Servers

Creative servers focus on building and creating; Damage & health is disabled, flying is allowed and unlimited access to all blocks is allowed - Let your creativity go wild! Players are usually assigned a protected plot they can build onto, sometimes with access to tools such us WorldEdit.
Don't forget to check out these awesome build tips - Then visit one of the servers below and put them to good use ;)

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description


marCloud Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.21
Minigames Server
Minecraft Java
0/3710 Online

Be part of an amazing community by playing on marCloud Minigames Network! We offer you many high quality and polished games with no Pay-To-Win aspects. Games we offer: - Bedwars - KnockIT - MLG Rush - SpeedBuilders - LuckRace - KitPvP - Creative And soon: - Skywars -...



blokowo Minecraft Server
Version 1.7
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
54/2000 Online

A survival server with an economy is a unique Minecraft multiplayer experience that combines the challenges of the classic survival mode with a robust in-game economic system. Players start in a vast, open world where they must gather resources, craft items, and build shelters to protect...



GC2 Minecraft Server
Version 1.7
Skyblock Server
Minecraft Java
18/2020 Online

Istniejemy nieprzerwanie od roku 2013 i nie mamy zamiaru nigdy zniknąć. Mamy wiele różnych trybów, w tym autorskich, oraz autorskie pluginy i skrypty. W swoim zespole mamy prawdziwych programistów którzy nieprzerwanie zaopatrują serwer i całą społeczność MC w wszelkiego typu...