Minecraft Creative Servers

Creative servers focus on building and creating; Damage & health is disabled, flying is allowed and unlimited access to all blocks is allowed - Let your creativity go wild! Players are usually assigned a protected plot they can build onto, sometimes with access to tools such us WorldEdit.
Don't forget to check out these awesome build tips - Then visit one of the servers below and put them to good use ;)

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Cow Grassland

Cow Grassland

Cow Grassland Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.21
Minigames Server
Cross Platform
0/10000 Online

Welcome to Cow Grassland! We are a server that provides a variety of exciting and interesting Minecraft mini-games, including TNTRun, Parkour, SMP, Hide and Seek, Skyblock, Bed Wars, etc. Our servers are committed to providing a high-quality gaming environment and social platform where...