HCF Minecraft Servers

HCF servers are, in essense, Factions servers, that have been "tuned" to make them much more Hard-Core, by adjusting everything from the style of PvP to the base designs adopt. This is what HCF stands for, Hard-Core Factions! Map resets are frequent, and comptetitiveness is goes the roof! Check out the best HCF servers out there in this amazing list we've put together below!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
TopStrix Network

TopStrix Network

TopStrix Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.17 to 1.18
Minigames Server
Minecraft Java
47/2500 Online

The most worthwhile community you will find, seriously. With the vision and passion to develop a huge, high-quality and loving Israeli community, We decided to give our soul into a Minecraft server, where you will experience the peak of fun with your friends and nice people you will...