KitPvP Minecraft Servers

Servers with KitPvP are basically PvP Minecraft Servers, in which players get to pick their favorite kit from a predefined list (such us Archer or Warrior), each with a specific set of items usually associated with a different fighting style. Players then fight against one another (usually in large arena-like maps) gaining points and moving up the leader board. We've thorroughly inspected each and every server on the list below to be sure they're great servers worth playing on - So check them out!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description


Yarrcraft Minecraft Server
Version 1.21
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
1/20 Online

Yarrcraft is a new, but a decent server for Minecraft. It has great events every month and every so often, a new minigame is added. The development team also listens to its players suggestions, so if you have something you would like to see on a Minecraft server someday; Yarrcraft is the...