KitPvP Minecraft Servers

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Ascension Network

Ascension Network

Ascension Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.21
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/690 Offline

Welcome to Ascension-Network, a Minecraft server that offers an extraordinary gameplay experience for players of all styles and skill levels! :star2: With a carefully curated selection of game modes, our network aims to deliver thrilling adventures and endless opportunities for creativity....

The Paranoid SMP

The Paranoid SMP

The Paranoid SMP Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.21
Lifesteal Server
Cross Platform
0/125 Offline

Join the new, high-quality, lag-free and free-to-win server. The Paranoid SMP offers a lot do discover, from trading to fighting with other players, the Paranoid SMP provides everything "Free-To-Win", meaning "Non-Pay-To-Win"! You are able to join with the Java and Bedrock...



BomPvP Minecraft Server
KitPvP Server
Minecraft Java
0/20 Offline

We are a small community that are just beginning to have usual players and have fun as soon as they log onto BomPvP. We are currently looking for a builder so if you want to apply you can join the disord and relax/chat/VC and even apply for staff