Minecraft Minigames Servers

Minigames servers typically contain a vast array of games that can be played within minecraft. Examples include Hide and seek, spleef, and bedwars. Some even include custom unique games of their own!
They're one of the most popular server types, due to the multiple options that players are given to spend their time with.

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Bangla Network

Bangla Network

Bangla Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.20 to 1.21
Survival Server
Cross Platform
0/69 Offline

Bangla Network is a Minecraft Java server from Bangladesh. It is a Survival server with a PvP arena, BedWars, vote rewards, and more. Join now, and to make sure you get nothing but the best experience, join using version 1.20.4!

Skyfall BD

Skyfall BD

Skyfall BD Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.21
Survival Server
Cross Platform
0/20 Offline

It's 24/7 server ☁️ Ping: 0-25 🔥 No lag ☁️ WELCOME TO SKYFALL BD HYPIXEL SERVER OF BANGLADESH #Bangladesh #skyfall #BD #freepalestine ================ If anyone wants to join Friendly , Pure survival server SkyFall Is here ! It's 24/7 server...