PvE Minecraft Servers

Check out these great PvE servers below! PvE stands for Player vs Environment - PvE Minecraft servers usually stay truer to the original single-player gameplay, in that players don't fight one another, but rather face the dangers of the environment, particularly mobs like Creepers and Skeletons. That being said, many PvP servers feature PvP as well, what is more dominant depends on all the other gamemodes the server features. Be sure to check out all the servers below and pick one that fits your personal playing style the most!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
pvpSmash Official

pvpSmash Official

pvpSmash Official Minecraft Server
Version 1.9 to 1.19
PvP Server
Cross Platform
0/2025 Online

© | pvpSmash Official Minecraft Server Network | pvpSmash Minecraft Server Voting Rewards! Receive different awesome in-game Rewards and Tokens for supporting our Servers! Made with ❤️ | Powered by: cloud.pvpSmash.com & cloud.MinecraftServers.tech | hub.pvpSmash.com



GladiatorMC Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.21
Skyblock Server
Cross Platform
0/20 Online

Hey you!, yes you, are you looking for the most unique minecraft java skyblock server? 🚀 ☑️ What is GladiatorMC's Skyblock? the GladiatorMC's Skyblock is a good and fun minecraft server with alot of unique and innovative features like: Custom jobs ⛏️ Custom...



LibertyMC Minecraft Server
Version 1.21
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/150 Online

LibertyMC is a brand new server, with our main focus on quality and non pay-to-win mechanics. Every rank is obtainable trough playing, with top ranks available trough playtime! With our custom crates, quests and jobs you will never run out of gameplay! We are currently in a open beta,...



Questal Minecraft Server
Version 1.20 to 1.21
Survival Server
Cross Platform
0/20 Offline

Questal is een Survival server met veel Custom toevoegingen! Zo hebben we een Dungeon die jij met je vrienden kan spelen, of kan je elke week meedoen aan een Quest. De winnaar wordt bekend gemaakt in onze Show samen met veel andere leuke dingen. Of start je eigen winkel en maak zo veel...