PvE Minecraft Servers

Check out these great PvE servers below! PvE stands for Player vs Environment - PvE Minecraft servers usually stay truer to the original single-player gameplay, in that players don't fight one another, but rather face the dangers of the environment, particularly mobs like Creepers and Skeletons. That being said, many PvP servers feature PvP as well, what is more dominant depends on all the other gamemodes the server features. Be sure to check out all the servers below and pick one that fits your personal playing style the most!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
PlanetBrunei Reborn

PlanetBrunei Reborn

PlanetBrunei Reborn Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.21
Survival Server
Cross Platform
2/100 Online

Welcome to PlanetBrunei Reborn! Are you tired of the same Minecraft survival servers that don't add much? Are you a hardcore survivalist who wants to help each other fight against difficult mobs and challenging disasters? You found the right place! PlanetBn was Brunei's most...