Minecraft RPG Servers

These servers are based on Roleplaying - They usually extend upon Factions, Survival or Towny gameplay, and enchance it with the roleplaying element. Some servers use classes, quests, races and more!
They can be one of the most rewarding and fun server types to play on!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Nadir SMP

Nadir SMP

Nadir SMP Minecraft Server
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/20 Offline

Step into the extraordinary world of Nadir SMP, a Minecraft RPG server that breaks the mold. Uncover hidden challenges in handcrafted dungeons, wield exclusive gear for epic encounters, and explore a world filled with surprises. Nadir SMP offers a unique and immersive role-playing...

Null Network

Null Network

Null Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.20
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/5000 Offline

Can you survival the wilderness of Seliana? The world has been ravaged by monsters from an unknown source. The people that has been in the world have struggled, and are forced to adapt. With new shiny weapons to repel the unknown, will you strive, or even survive?