Towny Minecraft Servers

Here's a list of the best Towny Minecraft servers in 2020! These servers run a plugin called Towny, which offers many PvP, Griefing, Chat, Land Managment and Economy solutions to both players and admins, allowing for a Town-like gameplay simulation within Minecraft. Usually Towny servers have Jobs, such us fishing or mining that Players do in order to earn money and pay their taxes to the town's leader. It's a pretty cool gamemode, check it out on any one of the servers below!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Cenations SMP

Cenations SMP

Cenations SMP Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.21
Survival Server
Cross Platform
2/69 Online

🌏 Cenations World merupakan sebuah server Minecraft yang support semua platform. Mulai dari Java, Bedrock, MCPE, Xbox, PS. Kamu juga bisa menggunakan Crack seperti TLauncher dan Pojav. 👑 Yang pastinya sangat luar biasa keren. Kamu juga tidak perlu takut butuh bantuan, karena kami...