Minecraft Vanilla Servers

Vanilla servers are a great choice for die-hard Minecraft fans - and beginners! Usually a survival gamemode, but pure Minecraft gameplay, no distracting plugins, mods and addons that take away from the original gameplay experience. They allow you to truly appreciate some of the latest additions to Minecraft, like Conduits (See Sportskeeda), and are a great way to replicate Single-player gameplay along with other players & friends!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description


craftMiners Minecraft Server
Version 1.21
Vanilla Server
Minecraft Java
0/50 Offline

Welcome to craftMiners, a chill Java Edition server where you can roll solo or team up to create your own nations—complete with custom tags in the tab menu and nameplates. Smooth gameplay is a given with pregenerated chunks and an anti-cheat system that keeps everything fair. We’ve...