1.17 Minecraft Servers

A complete list of 1.17 and 1.17 snapshot servers for Minecraft! 1.17, also known as the Caves & Cliffs update, was announced in 2020 and released on June 8, 2021. Experience 1.17 multiplayer gameplay online, along with your friends, on any of the servers below!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
SA Crafters

SA Crafters

SA Crafters Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.19
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
7/100 Online

Welcome to SA Crafters! Join IP: playmc.co.za Minecraft SMP Network. No boring premade setups, the severs are custom configured by us. Join for a premium experience! What are you waiting for? Join for a premium experience! Join IP: playmc.co.za



ZaPVP Minecraft Server
Version 1.16 to 1.21
KitPvP Server
Minecraft Java
0/300 Offline

ZaPVP is a South African PvP practice/FFA/tier list server. We offer so much, such as a great community, effective anti-cheat measures, a supportive staff team, and most of all, the ability to practice PvP on a ZA server.