1.18 Minecraft Servers

A complete list of 1.18 servers for Minecraft! 1.18, also known as the second part of the Caves & Cliffs update, is the latest Minecraft update, announced in 2020 and released on November 30, 2021. New features inclide a new music disc, overhauled caves, underground biomes and 6 new mountain sub-biomes. Experience the new update online on any of the multiplayer servers below!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Creative Anarchy

Creative Anarchy

Creative Anarchy Minecraft Server
Version 1.12 to 1.21
Anarchy Server
Minecraft Java
1/80 Online

I aim to create a vanilla anarchy creative mode Minecraft experience. End portal locations: -1286 886 and 968 -1497 (or find a stronghold) Since May 5th 2022 Available Commands: /stats (total joins ect.) /gamemode (Creative or survival) /tpa (request a teleport) /ignore...