1.8 Minecraft Servers

Despite dating back to 2014, 1.8 is still a very popular Minecraft version! When it first came out, it introduced us to new types of stone like Diorite, it brought us Prismarine, and our favorite, Rabbits! Check out our favorite 1.8 servers below - Hope you enjoy your time on them ;)

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
SCP site 61

SCP site 61

SCP site 61 Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.9
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/20 Online

SCP role-play server located in Northern Scandinavia in Europe. Adventures await the player in this interesting map. Map is a big research facility underground. It is being developed continually and feedback is welcome for future development.



HuhnSMP Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.8
Towny Server
Minecraft Java
0/20 Offline

Huhn SMP begins in the gloom and despair of Undead Asylum with nothing but a broken set of armor. During your journey across Huhn, you are shot, stabbed, and crushed; you are burned, drowned, and digested; you fall off cliffs, are consumed by the Abyss, and are always at risk of going...