1.8 Minecraft Servers

Despite dating back to 2014, 1.8 is still a very popular Minecraft version! When it first came out, it introduced us to new types of stone like Diorite, it brought us Prismarine, and our favorite, Rabbits! Check out our favorite 1.8 servers below - Hope you enjoy your time on them ;)

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
BorkLand Network

BorkLand Network

BorkLand Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.8
Skyblock Server
Cross Platform
0/500 Offline

Borkland Network es un servidor de Minecraft que ofrece cuatro emocionantes modos de juego: Survival, Skyblock, PVP, y PrisionOp. Compatible con todas las versiones desde la 1.8 hasta la 1.20.x, Borkland Network asegura que todos los jugadores puedan unirse y disfrutar sin problemas. En...