Anarchy Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Anarchy servers are pretty unique. Like the name suggests, they rarely have any rules at all. Griefing is encouraged and PvP is allowed, making them a very hostile and challenging environment. If you do manage to get away from spawn without dying, your top priority should be to acquire food and build a hidden and safe base to stay in ASAP. Check out the most thrilling Anarchy servers in the list below!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description


coldshee Minecraft Server
Version 1.16 to 1.17
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
5102/1732 Online

its survival server just for you come and play its free dont worry im the staff EDAS_ il help you if you need some help but i will not give you damonds or any kind of that stuff im playing the server rigth now its survival server just for you come and play its free dont worry im the staff...



WhoopRPVP Minecraft Server
Version 1.12 to 1.21
PvP Server
Minecraft Java
0/55 Online

Random kit pvp server! Everytime when player respawns, player receives random kit! Theres custom abilities to help you out in difficult times! Abilities has custom effects on players, like speed, levitation and even shoot tnt or creepers, do all in your might to win against everyone!