KitPvP Minecraft Servers

Servers with KitPvP are basically PvP Minecraft Servers, in which players get to pick their favorite kit from a predefined list (such us Archer or Warrior), each with a specific set of items usually associated with a different fighting style. Players then fight against one another (usually in large arena-like maps) gaining points and moving up the leader board. We've thorroughly inspected each and every server on the list below to be sure they're great servers worth playing on - So check them out!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
KAIMUX Network

KAIMUX Network

KAIMUX Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.13 to 1.21
Survival Server
Cross Platform
4/600 Online

KAIMUX.COM NETWORK An ambitious project aiming to stand out not only with uniqueness but also with quality! • Highly optimized • Powerful hosting • 80% custom plugins • Expanding choice of options • Various events • Ongoing expansion of language...



WhoopRPVP Minecraft Server
Version 1.12 to 1.21
PvP Server
Minecraft Java
0/55 Online

Random kit pvp server! Everytime when player respawns, player receives random kit! Theres custom abilities to help you out in difficult times! Abilities has custom effects on players, like speed, levitation and even shoot tnt or creepers, do all in your might to win against everyone!