Anarchy Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Anarchy servers are pretty unique. Like the name suggests, they rarely have any rules at all. Griefing is encouraged and PvP is allowed, making them a very hostile and challenging environment. If you do manage to get away from spawn without dying, your top priority should be to acquire food and build a hidden and safe base to stay in ASAP. Check out the most thrilling Anarchy servers in the list below!

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Meadow SMP

Meadow SMP

Meadow SMP Minecraft Server
Version 1.13 to 1.21
Anarchy Server
Cross Platform
13/100 Online

🌷 Meadow SMP is not just any Minecraft Server. It's a super chill place with plenty of options to make the experience perfectly suited just for you, everyone is welcome to join and have fun together with your friends! Unleash Your Creativity on Meadow - Here's What Awaits...



Steinercraft Minecraft Server
Version 1.21
Anarchy Server
Cross Platform
1/100 Online

We are running a survival Minecraft server. Our aim is to preserve vanilla gameplay mechanics as much as we see fit, with the exception of teleportation commands. There are no claims. Griefing, raiding and PvP is allowed. Cheating is prohibited. You can also join with Bedrock Edition using...



ezlol Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.18
Anarchy Server
Cross Platform
3/4 Online

the most professional minecraft server You want a car that gets the job done? You want a car that's hassle free? You want a car that literally no one will ever compliment you on? Well look no further. The 1999 Toyota Corolla.



TC SMP Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.21
Survival Server
Cross Platform
0/500 Online

💎 TC SMP 💎 Features ❤️ Survival 🌍 Nation & Lands 🎲 Community Lore & Events Community Missions 💲 No pay-2-win mentality! 🤝 Friendly community! 💸 No corrupt staff! 🖥️ Best server stability money can buy! Created by a group of friends! A simple...