Minecraft Creative Servers

Creative servers focus on building and creating; Damage & health is disabled, flying is allowed and unlimited access to all blocks is allowed - Let your creativity go wild! Players are usually assigned a protected plot they can build onto, sometimes with access to tools such us WorldEdit.
Don't forget to check out these awesome build tips - Then visit one of the servers below and put them to good use ;)

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Meadow SMP

Meadow SMP

Meadow SMP Minecraft Server
Version 1.13 to 1.21
Anarchy Server
Cross Platform
13/100 Online

🌷 Meadow SMP is not just any Minecraft Server. It's a super chill place with plenty of options to make the experience perfectly suited just for you, everyone is welcome to join and have fun together with your friends! Unleash Your Creativity on Meadow - Here's What Awaits...



Eyserver Minecraft Server
Version 1.7
Parkour Server
Minecraft Java
52/4000 Online

Här kan ni joina min youtubeserver där ni får hänga med och vara med i min youtubekanal! Här kör vi survival, parkour, pvp och mera med mera på svenska ,obby överlevnad, ja snälla kom och joina min server!😁😁😁



ChaoticCreeper Minecraft Server
Version 1.21
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/50 Online

Welcome to ChaoticCreeper! Our server offers several unique worlds for you to explore. We have one creative world and two survival worlds, one of which is generated with the latest 1.21 version. In the survival worlds, you are free to build and explore at your leisure. Additionally, we...