Best Lifesteal Servers for Minecraft

Lifesteal Minecraft Servers are servers that have a mechanic of stealing life from players to replenish their own. They are a type of Minecraft SMP server and are often called "lifesteal smp" or ”pvp" servers.
Lifesteal servers are often used to provide a more challenging experience for players. They provide a semi-vanilla environment where players must be careful about how they play, as they may be quickly defeated in combat if they do not take the time to heal themselves after each fight.
Here you can find a server IP for a public lifesteal smp, for Java edition or Bedrock edition.

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description


PrimeMc Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.18
Skyblock Server
Minecraft Java
0/8 Online

Udjite danas na najnoviji balkanski server koji ima skyblock i lifesteal!!! Uzivajte igrajuci i postujte pravila :D Posetite i ostale vote linkove za jos vise nagrada! I postanite najjaci igrac na serveru Vas PrimeMC 2024



LunarMC Minecraft Server
Version 1.20 to 1.21
Lifesteal Server
Minecraft Java
0/2 Offline

Najbolji LifeSteal server na balkanu. Udji i veruj nam da ces se provesti najbolje sto mozes! -Dobra ekonomija -Aktivan staff -Svaki dan KeyAll -Shop -Custom Dropovi -Arena i KotH LifeSteal Uskoro SkyBlock Udji i provesćeš se kao nikad do sada !

AstralMC Network

AstralMC Network

AstralMC Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.19 to 1.20
Lifesteal Server
Minecraft Java
0/500 Offline

Welcome to AstralMC Network! We came to the decision in 2023 to open a Minecraft server under the name Astral and we hoped for a lot of players and it worked, but we had technical problems and closed the server, but now we have decided to open the server again and we hope to succeed again...

Tips to Get Started in the Best Lifesteal SMP Minecraft Server

Top Tips to Get Started in the Best Minecraft Lifesteal Server:

1) Join a good Minecraft Lifesteal Server: The first tip for getting started in a lifesteal minecraft server is to join a good one. There are many servers available, but not all of them are good. Players should make sure that they join one with a high population and where they can find friends to play with.

2) Know when it's time to heal: The second tip for getting started in a lifesteal Minecraft server is to learn when it's time to heal. This can vary from one player to the next, though there are some general rules that apply. For example, in a team-based game, it's important for players who are attacking monsters to heal at the same time as their teammates so that the healing can all be done at once.