Minecraft Minigames Servers

Minigames servers typically contain a vast array of games that can be played within minecraft. Examples include Hide and seek, spleef, and bedwars. Some even include custom unique games of their own!
They're one of the most popular server types, due to the multiple options that players are given to spend their time with.

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description
Verse Network

Verse Network

Verse Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.19 to 1.21
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/20 Offline

Verse Network is Balkan and English Minigames server, Created in Serbia by user lazarthe4 , Many Games, Skyblock, Survival, Minigames Contact- Discord-14zard Email-Lazardvorana@icloud.com Discord Link-https://discord.gg/8qMSfDVWfQ