Top Skyblock Minecraft Servers to play on:

Skyblock Minecraft Servers can be quite entertaining for any player. On skyblock servers, the user starts playing on a map with a small floating island with very few resources available - Usually only a few blocks and items - and expands it by creating cobblestone generators and farming. This game mode is very similar to Skywars. Find a server IP address for a Skyblock server to game on using the list below! All Minecraft versions are shown, but you can use the filters to only show Skyblock 1.19 servers or some other MC version. The best Skyblock Minecraft servers are:

Rank Name Server About Players Status Description


PrimeMc Minecraft Server
Version 1.7 to 1.18
Skyblock Server
Minecraft Java
0/8 Online

Udjite danas na najnoviji balkanski server koji ima skyblock i lifesteal!!! Uzivajte igrajuci i postujte pravila :D Posetite i ostale vote linkove za jos vise nagrada! I postanite najjaci igrac na serveru Vas PrimeMC 2024



MeltoxCraft Minecraft Server
Version 1.19 to 1.21
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/2025 Online

Meltox-Craft is serbian server with cool community it has survival and skyblock :) we are runnning this server from 2018 come join today and you will get something back we are waiting you :) udjite danas



LunarMC Minecraft Server
Version 1.20 to 1.21
Lifesteal Server
Minecraft Java
0/2 Offline

Najbolji LifeSteal server na balkanu. Udji i veruj nam da ces se provesti najbolje sto mozes! -Dobra ekonomija -Aktivan staff -Svaki dan KeyAll -Shop -Custom Dropovi -Arena i KotH LifeSteal Uskoro SkyBlock Udji i provesćeš se kao nikad do sada !

AstralMC Network

AstralMC Network

AstralMC Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.19 to 1.20
Lifesteal Server
Minecraft Java
0/500 Offline

Welcome to AstralMC Network! We came to the decision in 2023 to open a Minecraft server under the name Astral and we hoped for a lot of players and it worked, but we had technical problems and closed the server, but now we have decided to open the server again and we hope to succeed again...

Verse Network

Verse Network

Verse Network Minecraft Server
Version 1.19 to 1.21
Survival Server
Minecraft Java
0/20 Offline

Verse Network is Balkan and English Minigames server, Created in Serbia by user lazarthe4 , Many Games, Skyblock, Survival, Minigames Contact- Discord-14zard Discord Link-

Silent Horizon

Silent Horizon

Silent Horizon Minecraft Server
Version 1.8 to 1.20
Skyblock Server
Minecraft Java
0/100 Offline

🔥 Šta nudimo? ⚡ Sistem kocke – Okušaj sreću i osvoji vredne nagrade! 🎁 Kitovi & GKitovi – Dobij ih iz keyeva ili tokena! 💰 Tokeni – Zarađuj ih ubijanjem bosseva i mobova u Warzone! 🐾 Petovi – Verni pratioci koji ti pomažu u borbi i avanturi! ⚔️ Custom...

What's the best Minecraft server with Skyblock?

While it's hard to answer that definitively, the one server every player should try out is definitely the original Skyblock. There's a lot of lovely MC servers out there though - Feel free to take a look at the server list above. Maybe join a couple of games and play for a while to get a feel for the different mode variations each skyblock server offers.

Do skyblock servers have PvP?

Traditionally, Skyblock servers are No-PvP, but there are a few exceptions. If you like PvP, join a server with Skywars instead. Skywars servers mix Skyblock and PvP game modes together.

How do you join a Skyblock server?

You first need to pick a good server; Choose one from the selection of servers listed in the table above. Just make sure it supports the version for the Minecraft client you're using. Then simply copy it's IP and connect to it through the multiplayer menu in your game client. Check out the footer of our site for more info on how to connect. Happy Skyblock gaming!