About: All About Minecraft Buzz!

Who runs Minecraft.Buzz?

Stelios Mac

The site is run by me, Stelios Mac. By day, I study Computer and Electrical Engineering and work as a Sound Engineer and Lighting Designer. I also co-own an audio rental company in Greece. By night, I run this website - I make sure all submitted servers are worthy of playing on, their info is up to date and well laid-out, and make sure to moderate any comments and clean up any spam.

I've been playing Minecraft for over 13 years now. During this time, I've owned and co-owned over six Minecraft Servers and server projects; Those include KlgCraft, Mine Unlimited - also known as "Project Perfect", most recently Tales of Conquerors, and quite a few small private servers. I've also played on countless servers myself - I mostly enjoy playing on small survival servers or larger networks with minigames, but I like anything-Minecraft as long as the community is active and welcoming. Although I've really got no plans of using it, I made sure to get Minecraft Education Certified - Just for the heck of it! Lastly, a small part of my life was spent running a minecraft server host called MineDedi, which offered Dedicated Minecraft server hosting.

What is Minecraft.Buzz?

Minecraft.Buzz is a minecraft server list website I created in hopes of helping other players like me find minecraft servers that are worth playing on. It's always a difficult and time consuming task to find an ideal server to join, hopefully the multiple filters, ordered lists, categories and friendly layout make this process ever so slightly easier :)

Who are the servers posted/listed by?

Most servers on the website have been posted by their owners. I always make sure to fill out and correct any missing or inaccurate info - and make sure they're decently good servers you won't waste your time looking through. In order to provide you with a wider array of high-quality options, a small selection of servers have been posted by me and the rest of my team.

What are the requirements to list a server?

We allow all sorts of servers on our website, as long as they're of good quality and follow our TOS guidelines. We do not allow servers hosted on Aternos or Minehut.

Do you support Voting?

Absolutely! Voting and Votifier are 100% supported - Keep in mind, however, not all servers are Votifier-enabled. You can vote for, and review, servers you like, but unless specifically stated by the server owner you won't always receive in-game rewards for your voting.

You can vote for your favorite servers once every day. You can also optionally provide a review when doing so. Voting through a VPN or Proxy network is not allowed.

We delete all votes that are over 15 days old - That way we help you discover newer, fresher and better servers than other server lists.

How can I contact you?

So glad you asked! You can reach out via e-mail at info@minecraft.buzz, or use the Contact Form. In addition, you can message us via Twitter (@minecraft_buzz) or our Discord Server.